Méthodes d’analyse du travail

Principales publications

Blavier, A., Montagnino, C., Wertz, J., François, C., Verly, J., & Nyssen, A.-S. (2014, February 24). Detection of eye movements specific to drowsiness and their relation with subjective assessment of sleepiness in PVT: A cognitive ergonomic approach. Paper presented at SomnoSafe 2014, International Symposium on Somnolence and Safety, Brussels, Belgium.

Blavier, A., & Nyssen, A.-S. (2014). The effect of 2D and 3D visual modes on surgical task performance: role of expertise and adaptation processes. Cognition, Technology & Work.

De Keyser, V., & Nyssen, A.-S. (2006). L’analyse du travail : centrale ou simplement utile ? In G., Vallery & R., Amalberti, L’analyse du travail en perspective – Influences et évolutions (pp. 7-15). Paris, France: Octares.

Nyssen, A.-S. (2003, September). The use of simulators as training tools. Current Medical Anesthesiology.

Nyssen, A.-S., Larbuisson, R., Janssens, M., Pendeville, P., & Mayne, A. (2002). A comparison of the training value of two types of anesthesia simulators: Computer screen-based and mannequin-based simulators. Anesthesia and Analgesia, 94(6), 1560-1565.

Pendeville, P., Mayne, A., LARBUISSON, R., & Nyssen, A.-S. (2002). Use of Anesthesia Simulator. Benelux quaterly journal on automatic control, 43(2), 17-19.

Nyssen, A.-S., & De Keyser, V. (1998). Improving training in problem solving skills: Analysis of anesthesists’ performance in simulated problem situations. Travail Humain, 61(4), 387-401.